This page gives information on
the privacy practices of Notch Hill Labradoodles.com
Updated July 2022
Notch Hill Labradoodles is the sole owner of this website. Any information collected about you during the course of doing business or via any links and forms provided on this site is not shared with or sold to anyone. Any information you provide is completely voluntary and is provided in order to become a client of Notch Hill Labradoodles.
When you visit notchhilllabradoodles.com, we do not collect any identifiable personal information about you unless you contact us directly. Should you send us an email via a link or complete our intake form, all your information is kept in secure, password-protected accounts.
If you would like to see any information we have collected about you at any time, please send us an email at carol@notchhilllabradoodles.com. You may also request to have any information we have collected deleted.
This website is built on Wix, which uses cookies to operate its platform and analyze how the platform is being used.
Web cookies are small pieces of data that help websites communicate with one another in order to function. They are useful to help operate a website and to gather information during a site visit. For example, to keep items in a shopping cart or to gather statistics on how a website is being used. They can also pose a security risk to the user, so it is good to be careful about them. If you visit a website regularly, read their privacy policy to learn how they use cookies to make their platform operate.
Additional third-party services we use or this site is connected to include: PayPal, 1-2-3 Form Builder, Facebook and Instagram.
We do our utmost to keep your information private and secure. No system is infallible, though, so please choose carefully when you provide us with information.
This site is intended for use by people eighteen years or older.
If you have any concerns or questions, please contact us at carol@notchhilllabradoodles.com.